Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Nation of Lawlessness...

For close to 40 years now our country has refused to follow it's own laws...

We began ignoring our own laws and God's laws around 1980 and our national leaders did nothing to stop this lawlessness.

Consequently, three generations of people in this nation have watched it's own leaders and government ignore the laws they were sworn to uphold, and the result is three generations of Americans that have become accustomed to their own nations lawlessness and are now very familiar and used to lawlessness...It's become part of the fabric of our's ingrained in our very being as a nation, Sadly...

Suddenly and surprisingly however in 2016 a new leader was elected President to the shock of nearly everyone, but particularly Democrats who believed their anointed Queen Hillary was supposed to win...But the American people spoke much to the chagrin of the ideological left wing, and they were mad...very very mad...but yet the new and shocking leader was about to enact the reverse of American lawlessness that most politicians of both parties had created, saying things like "I'm going to build a big beautiful wall", and
"I'm behind Law enforcement", and "I will end illegal Immigration"
Naturally, to three generations of people who had grown accustomed to their own government breaking it's own immigration laws (as well as God's Laws) this was a shocking thing.

To millions of people who now just assumed illegal immigration would fester on as it has since the Reagan era, and that women (of course) had every right to kill their own babies, and Police men and women were now considered "Pigs" who needed to be protested by kneeling at Football Games during the national anthem, this new leader was acting like a Fascist Nazi. And this is the cause of the division we are now seeing...

Why, How dare this arrogant new President actually attempt to uphold national immigration law!, how dare he tell women they cannot murder their own babies!, Who does this arrogant man think he is by backing up Cops! the audacity!
Who does he think he is?!
Racist!, Nazi!, Woman Hater! was their cry...

In 1973 the Country made national law stating that a mother could kill her own baby and used a young woman named Norma McCorvey to persuade the highest court in the land to codify Roe Vs. Wade.
Oddly enough the Roe of Roe Vs. Wade never had an abortion...she was just used by leftist Democrats, feminists, and planned Parenthood to normalize the killing of an unborn human being and persuaded an entire generation of young women that it was their "Choice" to do so...In fact Norma McCorvey the Plaintiff in Roe Vs. Wade became one of the Nations staunchest enemies of Roe Vs. Wade and tried right up until her death to fight against the law she helped enact. Ms. McCorvey also became a conservative pro life Christian having a total change of heart...

The Bible states in Second Thessalonians that a "Man of Lawlessness" (2 Thess. 2:1-12) would rise up and reveal himself during the times before Jesus Christ returns. This man would not only encourage great lawlessness against God, but persecute those who stood against him, that is until Jesus Christ Returns and annihilates him with his breath...

Jesus Christ Himself prophesied in Matthew 24:12 that "Because Lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold"

We can be assured that in the end God wins and Jesus will destroy every last vestige of lawlessness and everything that offends God....and that is the believers hope...

I'm just the Sax Player...

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