Friday, April 9, 2021

Another shooting in my State. Why?


Here we are once again...

The makeshift memorial gets set up and grieving mourning citizens place flowers and cards, candles and teddy bears honoring 10 slain good people in my state...

This time it's Boulder, a city I've performed band gigs in many, many times for clubs or weddings or casual events.

I've typed many times before of an attachment to Columbine and Century 16 theater shootings in previous blogs so I won't do that here.

I'm going to focus here instead on why I believe these tragedies keep occuring...

Our culture has become a culture of death...That's as succinct as I can put it.

We've been teaching younger generations than mine since 1973 that life is worthless and something to be discarded and thrown away...

How? You say?

Well, let's look at recent american history...

1973 was a pivotal point for our nation. We suddenly went from a country that respected ALL life to one that began saying "These little lives are not worth much, we should abort, tear apart limb from limb and throw them in the trash"

Yes, I'm talking about abortion...

Some will say " I have the right to choose!" And that would be correct...

But what is that choice?

The choice is the death of another, separate tiny human life made in God's image stated clearly in God's word, the bible.

We as a nation made that fateful decision way back when I was in the ninth grade, that certain lives are not worth living while other lives are worth living...

We began saying as a Nation MY WILL BE DONE rather than THY WILL BE DONE.

Yes that's a bible quote straight from the book of Matthew 6:10 where Jesus said 

Thy Kingdom come THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven...

Why do you suppose Our Lord Jesus Christ stated this is how you should pray?

Because Jesus being fully God and fully human knew human nature...

Jesus knew how selfish and self centered we human beings are...

He knew that for all humans, ALL humans we are basically very self absorbed, self centered, narcissistic people that most times look out for our own selfish interests and selfish desires rather than others interests...Christ knew us well...

So, in the Lord's prayer He made sure we would focus on GOD'S will, rather than our own, and said, this is how you should pray. Take your focus OFF yourselves and focus on GOD and His will to get us thinking and praying less selfishly...

The Catholic Nun Mother Teresa who served the extremely poor in Calcutta said this about abortion, and still holds true today.

"The greatest destroyer of peace in the world today is abortion, because it is a war, a direct killing" And...

"If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell one another not to kill"

The Boulder accused shooter is an Islamic man named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa and is charged with 10 counts of murder including that of a Boulder Police officer Eric Talley a Catholic man who had seven children and a wife who are now fatherless and a she a widow.

Immediately after the shooting and the video was released to media of Alissa walking with a bloodied leg with Boulder Police escorting him, Twitter liberal progressives including celebrities indignantly and joyfully were posting things like " See, I knew it would be a white Trump supporter" 

Except Alissa isn't a white Trump supporter, he's originally from Syria, and is a Muslim man...So, he's the exact opposite of a White Trump supporter.

Those same liberal progressives began eating crow and pulling their tweets down very quickly...

Police are saying " No motive is known at this time"

Which, to this observer seems ingenuous...

Because of these facts, the Boulder shooters name and religious affiliation have been completely scrubbed from nearly all national media, and the story has all but disappeared from the media narrative (except locally in Colorado)  because the truth of this shooting and it's shooter goes directly against the Mainstream liberal progressive propaganda that ALL white Trump supporters are violence prone, and all Muslims are from the Religion of Peace. Doesn't fit the narrative so the story must disappear from the 6PM network evening news...our media is lying constantly These days but that's another blog...

Meanwhile in Colorado we once again have to bury 10 deceased brothers, father's, mothers, Sisters and coworkers...

When will people wakeup and when will this all end...

Come soon Lord Jesus...

Don't shoot me,

I'm just the Sax player

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