Sunday, November 21, 2021

Ghostbusters afterlife review ( From a Christian perspective)

First I'll say I'm a Ghostbusters fan I admit it and this new Ghostbusters film didn't disappoint. 

I've written about this film series before here's the link...

I'm just the sax player: Prophetic Biblical implications of Ghostbusters (

This was obviously a labor of love for director Jason Reitman and an homage to his Father Ivan Reitman's two adored films of 37 years ago...

There are a large number of throwbacks and insertions in the new film of dialogue lines, ideas, and props taken straight from the original movie of 1984 which fans of these films will love including the one writing this...

This film had me laughing out loud in several places particularly the Stay Puft miniaturized living marshmallow men wreaking havoc in Walmart, a bizarre but hilarious scene straight out of todays Americana...

The first film in 1984 was extremely entertaining and had a lot of great humor, wit, a great plot line, and a certain spiritual element to it I've always found intriguing as a bible believing Christian...

Who can forget Dan Ackroyd and Ernie Hudson talking about God, Jesus, and the dead rising from the grave as if it were the biblical last days in Ecto one in the first movie...

The paraphrase in that scene that Ackroyd quotes ( or misquoted the wrong verse number) is Revelation 6:12  "And I looked as he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth and the moon became as blood" which is also used partially in the new films scene where the characters are driving through the gates of Egon Spenglers "Dirt Farm"

Having said that, I also keep in mind that the makers of Ghostbusters ( including the most recent film) don't really hold a Christian world view. Why? one might ask.

These films are extremely entertaining and fun to watch, but I've done my research on the filmmakers and screenwriters of the original two Ghostbusters movies, Harold Ramis and particularly Dan Ackroyd who is an extremely talented actor, musician, and filmmaker. All of the ideas used in the brand new film are derived straight from Ackroyds and Ramis' original screenplay of 1984.

Dan Ackroyd was raised a Catholic in Ontario Canada and even went to a Catholic seminary at one point and was considering becoming  a priest, but then quit school and became a comedian instead. From his own statements Ackroyd reveals he's brought his Catholic beliefs and inserted them into his films but also his Occultic beliefs he learned from his grandfather who was a Spritualist

Dan Ackroyd has stated a few things publicly that are a bit confusing and somewhat contradictory concerning his spiritual beliefs, like in one interview he says " I'm a Christian " but in a different interview he states he's a "Spiritualist". 

Spiritualism and Christianity are adamantly opposed to one another and here's why. 

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, inteprets Omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or spiritist, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord. Deuteronomy 18:10-12

You must not  turn to Mediums or spiritists, do not seek them out, or you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:31

Mr. Ackroyd says his grandfather was a Spiritualist which means they likely had seances at their house and spoke to the dead including dead relatives. 

He fully admits his belief in Spiritualism and that means it's likely he practices those rituals of seances, using mediums to speak to the dead, which would certainly explain the plots of some of his movies of which there's a plethora of dead spirits in the first film and this one demonic entities.

In The original film there's a scene where Sigourney weaver's character is possessed by "Zuul" as well as Rick Moranis' Character Louis Tully which holds true in this current sequel. 

The film makers admit to even naming the demons that possess their two characters as "Demon Dogs" so there's no hiding the fact that we're dealing with not just ghosts but demons.

The bible specifically forbids performing occultic rituals of speaking to the dead, or communicating with any supposed dead human, because it's not dead relatives you're talking to, its actually demons and this is dangerous.

Some might say "Well that's nonsense I don't believe in demons" but it's likely those same people believe in ghosts, or aliens, or area 51, or the earth is flat or "Speaking to dead relatives"

In Ghostbusters afterlife, the young character Phoebe (Played by the talented McKenna Grace) is in her grandfather's basement that was actually a scientific laboratory of sorts where objects begin to move on their own like lamps pointing her to certain things, or machines and computers just turning on by themselves.

I'm certain The Phoebe Character was modeled after a high functioning autistic child because she has few friends and doesn't really want any, but has a highly detailed and scientific mind of a much older girl. I mentioned this to my son while watching it who is a high functioning autistic and he agreed.

In another scene she moves a chess piece and other chess pieces begin moving by themselves. We are led to believe that this is actually Phoebe's Grandfather The Ghostbuster Egon Spengler prompting her...

As a bible believing Christian I know that any dead spirits communicating with living humans are not ghosts, your dead uncle, or your beloved grandfather, but actual Demons posing as such and they do this to deceive...

I enjoyed this film a lot and it was a needed break from 2021's deep division, constant barrage of pandemic coverage and increasing lawlessness I see happening. But as a Christian I know it's just entertainment and the idea of innocent Ghosts or spirits from the dead being benevolent versions of your grandpa are actually a lie.

This film had quite a few sexual references just as the first Ghostbusters did so I wouldn't take any child under 12 to it. We also watched a Grandma taking her 6 year old granddaughter out into the lobby because some of the Demon and Ghost battling scenes were too scary for her so keep that in mind if you plan on seeing this one.

Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax player...

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Jezebel, Pharmakeia, Revelation 2 and The Jab

 In Revelation spoken of by Christ Himself.

The Greek for Sorcery is Pharmakon, or Pharmakos, or Pharmakeia. The use of medicines, drugs or spells, or Witchcraft or sorcery. This is where we get our word Pharmacy or pharmaceuticals from...

Revelation 2:20-21 Says " You tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess, by her teaching she misleads my servants to be sexually immoral and to eat foods sacrificed to Idols. Even though I have given her time to repent of her immorality she is UNWILLING." (My emphasis)

An Idol can be a human like a pop star or rock star, or a President, or a Communist dictator, or even a Christian rock star, or an athlete or movie star, or even a religious figure like the Pope, or super mega TV Evangelists. An Idol can also be an object like a big fine house or an expensive car, or drugs, or like the Pachamama pagan Idols the Pope brought into the Vatican about 3 years ago...

Jezebel also leads the people of God into sexual immorality. How is that happening today to the people of God? Just look at most liberal churches today. Homosexuality is Ok with them, their pastors, priests, and teachers teach sexual immorality including homosexuality and transgenderism that it's Ok with their churches denominations and leaders.

They are teaching " My servants" or God's servants that sexual immorality is perfectly fine and acceptable...These liberal churches say Jezebel's teachings and use of sorcery (deception) and the normalizing of sexual immorality is Ok, but those who say it's wrong are called "haters" " homophobic" and even " immoral" when in fact it's the pushers of sexual immorality pushing transgenderism on 5 year old kids, men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women that are the ACTUAL immoral people, and they push it on our kids in schools and all over TV.

Even the so called Pope refused to confront the President of the U.S. about the sin of killing tiny human beings God says are made in His image two days ago ( October 28, 2021) in a private meeting in which no press was allowed, which has never happened before. The President ( who says he's Catholic) thinks abortion is just swell, which is COMPLETELY against the teachings of the Catholic church. In the Catholic church abortion is considered a MORTAL SIN and the Pope said nothing to him about it!

Today our nation is completely divided over this FORCED vaccine mandate, which is actually against the Constitution, not to mention our liberty, freedom, bodily autonomy, and " Choice" which leftists have thrown in our faces for 40 years concerning the killing of unborn life... Suddenly and hypocritically they now loudly say " You have no choice! Get the shot! You're selfish! You're killing people! I don't want unvaccinated hospital workers or police or military people unvaccinated around me so you're FIRED! Very Christ like No?

Never mind that their choice of FORCING others to NOT have a choice about a bunch of unproven chemical filled syringes that even thousands of medical workers don't want shoved in their bodies and are refusing becomes " Mandated"

" You refuse the shot and three or four or five boosters!, You have no choice so bye bye you lose your job and your pension, and your VA benefits because you're a BAD selfish person!"  "How dare you not bow to the Fauci God and Vaccine god!" 

 Oh wait...what we're we talking about earlier? Idol is anything that we worship instead of God like an object, person, or even a drug you're addicted to...or drugs illicit or illegal or legal, or even a drug pumped into our bodies by FORCE like a Vaccine because people have so bowed to the Pharmakeia, witchcraft, sorcery, or drug they believe will SAVE THE WORLD that it is now their god ( little g) or more accurately false god or idol.

And they treat it like their god...And you will bow to their little Idol god OR ELSE.

Let's pray that the real God sees all of this and will do something about this mess...

Revelation 18:4-8

Babylon is fallen- Come out of her my people, so that you will not have fellowship in her sins, or contract any of her plagues, for her sins have been heaved up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Give back to her as she has rendered and payback two fold according to her works in the cup she has mixed, mix double to her. So much as she has glorified herself and lived in luxury, give to her as much torment and misery, because in her heart she says ' I sit as Queen and am never a widow and shall never see mourning, therefore her plagues will come in one day, death and grief and famine.

From Strongs bible concordance. Pharmakeia: the use of drugs medicines or spells. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine. Transliteration: Pharmakeia. Phonetic spelling ( far-mak-'i-ah) definition: the use of medicine drugs or spells. Usage- Magic sorcery enchantment

Friday, October 8, 2021

The Jesus Music Movie My review

This review is dedicated to the memory of Rob Marshall, our booking agent and band manager without whom Christian concerts in Colorado, Red Rocks, and the Rocky mountain region would not have existed...

There's probably spoilers here...Sorry. Just a heads up...

The Jesus Music Movie spoke to me on a personal level because I was a band member of one of the featured interviewees (Steve Taylor) and toured with several others as a backup musician in the 80's and 90's.

The Film starts with what was called the Counter culture Hippie movement in the late 60's early 70's as millions of young Americans followed the biggest Rock and Blues Musicians of that era like Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin, only to watch said Rock Icons destroy themselves with drugs which was a part of that culture.

I can remember how much of an influence these rock stars had on the Hippie generation and those of us who were a little younger. 

I was a Jazz purist or what I now call a "Jazz snob" in those days so the death of Jimmy Hendrix or Janis Joplin from drug overdoses didn't have the same effect on me as it did on many other musicians I was around.

But I was aware of what it did to my generation...

Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison were revered almost like gods to the 60's and early 70's hippie generation and I purposefully use little g because they were obviously not gods and their deaths proved it...

So suddenly some of the Icons of those young people were dead, gone, and I can recall that the feeling of people my age and the older Hippies in their 20's was despair and despondency, that their Rock Idols were now humanized by their drug overdose deaths.

The Jesus Music film accurately describes what happened next and that was a new movement of young people turning to God and Jesus by the tens of thousands.

The new movement started at a Church in Southern California called Calvary Chapel who's Pastor Chuck Smith allowed a group of former hippies and new Christian converts audition for him and he was surprised and emotionally caught up by the music of a band called "Love Song"

They began playing at this Church (Which I played at 15 years later for about a year) and their music began drawing a lot of former drugged out barefoot hippies and "Flower Children" to now faith in Jesus Christ.

This Jesus Movement and it's music by former Hippies was nothing like the traditional hymnal book and High Church music and there were many in the church who were not happy...

The Film then describes how this Jesus Music exploded across the nation and began drawing converts in different cities like Chicago where a band called "Resurrection Band" played extremely loud blues and Rock supporting their true mission of an orphanage for Chicago street kids with nowhere else to go.

The first tour I went on in a fledgling New Wave Christian band with Steve Taylor was opening for Rez Band traveling around the midwest in the dead of winter in a tour bus with no heat. They showed us their orphanage for street Kids in Chicago and that had a profound effect on me...The film brought that all back to my 62 year old memory.

The Film mentions the World famous Evangelist Billy Graham who chose to personally endorse these new former Hippies now saved Born again Musicians and that quieted the many critics of Jesus Music from oddly the established church itself.

A quote from one of the artists in the film is "We were too Rock and Roll for the Church, but too Christian for the World"

Some of the other highly influential names from that era of  fledgling Christian rock and Pop were Larry Norman (who I only saw perform once) and others like second Chapter of Acts and extremely gifted Black Gospel artist Andre Crouch who later became a Pastor.

Moving on to the 1980's where Christian Rock and Pop was beginning to fill some basketball arenas and festivals not unlike their secular counterparts mainly due to a new young singer named Amy Grant. The film and Amy herself is brutally honest in stating she didn't have the greatest voice but sang in a personal style that many Church going teenagers were drawn to. There's also the mention of how the "Princess of Christian Pop" that the church loved her for being very "safe" made a new album called Unguarded showing her in a leopard skin jacket and tights which upset many in the traditional church camp. It was at this point that the Christian band I was a member of opened for Amy at the Forum in Inglewood Calif. and a Reno Nevada Basketball arena where I hung out with some of her musicians, Drummer Keith Edwards, and the late Rich Mullins shooting a few basketball hoops before a show.

My former band mate Steve Taylor is interviewed in two very short segments which could have been longer not just because I was in his band for nearly 7 years, but because his music and story had a large impact on that genre of music in the early to mid 80's for it's satirical sarcastic wit, which lambasted the likes of televangelists Jimmy Swaggart and Robert Tilton who attacked Christian rockers like Stryper, Petra, and Steve Taylor calling it "The music of the Devil" What the film strangely left out was the fact that televangelist Swaggart was caught with a couple of prostitutes not once but twice revealing a massive amount of  pharisaical like hypocrisy...

The Heavy metal Band Stryper takes most of the focus at this point of the film, as they were getting heavy MTV rotation and at one point surpassed even their 80's secular band counterparts in MTV rotation and views back when MTV actually PLAYED music videos all day and all night. The film humorously mentions how Stryper threw bibles into the audience and one account of how a concert goer was struck in the forehead with one.

It's worth noting that Stryper front man Michael Sweet says he came to the Lord Jesus Christ watching Jimmy Swaggart on TV as did his whole family, but then years later watched him attacking the style of music his Christian Heavy metal band Stryper was known for and it devastated him.

Into the 90's the film describes as a watershed era for Christian music for it's reach into the culture and it's sales of records and C.D.s which major record companies were taking notice of...

At this point the film describes how Christian music or what was once called "Jesus Music" became CCM or Contemporary Christian Music and was becoming big business.

Record sales were growing rapidly by artists like D.C. Talk, Stephen Curtis Chapman, the Newsboys, Gospel Artist Kirk Franklin, Be Be and Ce Ce Winans who grew up singing in Black Church settings then rising to sell millions of records.

The issue of Race and the Church comes up several times noting how Martin Luther King said that Sunday morning was the most segregated hour of the week, and how that was also true in Christian Music in spite of many Black artists being signed by large record labels and featured prominently selling very well...I backed up and was a musician in support of some of these Black Gospel artists Be Be and Ce Ce Winans, Ron Kenoly, and Babbie Mason as well as Larnelle Harris on my 4 year stint in the Young Messiah Tour in the mid 90's

The film details how these artists had gone way beyond the church culture and were being featured and interviewed on heavily watched TV shows like Oprah, Arsenio Hall, the Tonight show and others. But many in the church had questions about "Yes we're reaching millions now in the popular culture but what is that doing to the message of the Gospel?"

Into the 2000's the Jesus Music film then describes the sharp turn of Gospel music to a new type of "Christian Music" which wasn't really new at all but a returning back to the true roots of Jesus Music and that is Worship Music. A new generation of young people no longer wanted to be entertained by Christian stars but were yearning for something deeper and intimate. The "Worship Music" phenomenon was birthing itself.

The worship music "stars" if you can call them that were writing and performing songs that seemed to be more TO GOD rather than about God. They were personal letters or Psalms if you will TO GOD. One of these Musicians was Chris Tomlin who the film claims has written songs heard and listened to and sung in Churches all over the world by more people than any songwriter in history. I haven't checked that but I'll take their word for it...I toured with one of the very early " Worship artists" Tommy Walker in the very early 90s in the Phillipines twice and the U.K. Who's not mentioned in the film...

There are many poignant interviews by several artists like Russ Taff a powerful voiced singer that is honest about his struggle with alcohol and his Pentecostal preacher father who was also an alcoholic. I did one tour with Russ in the 90's, The Young Messiah Tour and his segment spoke to me personally.

I've had my own struggles with alcohol myself so no judgment here...just the truth of what this film brings out...

I found myself with an ever softening heart as I continued watching this film realizing I'm not the only Christian musician who has struggled with life and Music. In fact most of these Christian artists have struggled one way or another...

D.C. Talk's Toby Mac's detailing of his 21 year old son's sudden death a couple years ago struck me hard as I lost my own son in 2018 at the tender age of 20, at this point I was crying...Amy Grant's touching story of the Fire camp meetings she puts on at her ranch where a father for the first time broke down and actually grieved for the death of his son...

There are hundreds of artists and songwriters and musicians left out of The Jesus Music Film that had an impact, and I'll try to name the ones I remember...

Randy Stonehill, Servant, Jimmy A, Cheri Keaggy, Vector, The 77s, Tommy Walker, Israel Houghton, Larnelle Harris, 4 Him, Carman, Sheila Walsh, Whitecross, Koinonia, Seawind, Hadley Hockensmith, Morris Chapman, First Call, Twila Paris, Crystal Lewis, Phillip Bailey, Steve Green, Jon Gibson, Deniece Willams, Margaret Becker, Bryan Duncan, Michael English, Richie Furay, The Katinas, Rachael Lampa, Donnie McClurkin, Undercover, New Song, Fernando Ortega, T-Bone, Jaci Velasquez,  Fred Hammond, Nichole Nordeman, Ginny Owens, Phil Driscoll, Clay Crosse, Avalon, Scott Wesley Brown, Don Francisco, Rick Cua, Bill Batstone, Mary Mary, Staple Singers, Pops Staples, Edwin Hawkins, Daniel Amos, Sweet comfort band, The Archers, Steve Camp, Quickflight, Supertones, Altar Boys, Dakoda Motor Company, The Choir, Fletch Wiley, Abraham Laboriel, Justo Almario, Iona, Kirk Whalum, Cactus Moser, Jim ( Woody) Waddel, Glen Holmen, Jeff Stone, Kerry Conner. My apologies to anyone I missed...thanks

One last thing...If you see the film stay for the credits and after because there's a surprise...

I'm Just the Sax Player...

Sunday, August 8, 2021

What I've learned the last 18 months...

 What I've learned in the last 18 months...

#1- Masks don't work, why? Because the Covid virus is so small it goes right through the holes in masks including N 95s.

#2- Many of our political leaders are massive hypocrites, why? Because they don't even abide by the draconian Covid rules and edicts they seek to force us citizens to obey without question... We've witnessed this many many times in 2020 and 2021.

#3- Public health officials that are on TV everyday talking about Covid have changed their minds and flip flopped NUMEROUS times on important issues. Yet it's as if we're expected to believe they know exactly what they're doing when it's obvious even to a perceptive 10 year old they appear to be making it up as they go...

#4- Thousands of small businesses were shut down during the year long lockdowns and it was unnecessary driving many out of business. We were told this was not an option because small restaurants, nightclubs, and music venues were supposedly too small and would spread Covid easily. But large big box stores were allowed to operate with nearly no restrictions. We now know that the Covid virus spreads in large stores as easily as small restaurants or shops. So... officials were either lying to all of us or they had no clue as to what they were doing...

# 5- Churches in almost all states were also told not to meet or meet in a severely  restricted manner for the same reasons as # 4. Churches in California were even told not to SING in service....political leaders in several states had to be forced through lawsuits to allow churches to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to worship as they see fit, and the supreme court upheld that right. Politicians had absolutely no qualms squashing freedom of religion for millions of Americans...

 #6- With the emergence of vaccines for Covid, we've learned a few things. The vaccine does work for most people and does not have any serious side effects for those people. But we've also witnessed breakthrough cases where a few people have gotten Covid even after the shot. We also know that people can spread Covid even after getting the shot. Just this week ( August 9, 2021) a cruise ship reported Covid cases even though EVERYONE on board had been vaccinated, including ship employees and guests. We also know for a few people getting the shot has led to serious side effects like palsy on their face or limbs, loss of feeling in and use of limbs for a period of time and even a few thousand deaths. Officials have spoken of deaths from the Covid shot as expected, and compared to the millions that have had the shot and had no side effects it's insignificant, but Say that to the family of a deceased person from a vaccine and they will likely want to sue you or something more drastic. Celebrated blues guitar player Eric Clapton has said he got the shot and regretted it because he had MAJOR problems and was worried he may not perform again. Clapton said he wished he'd not gotten the shot at all...

#7- If we the people don't stand up to our current government officials that appear to be getting used to and enjoying their new found power over us we are on track to lose the REST of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We're surrounded by little control Freaks...

 There are little control freaks everywhere now...

They're in our governments, in our school systems, in the corporate world, even in our Churches...

They do this because they cannot control their own impulses and lust for power and money...So in order to feel justified and superior they seek control over others they see as Lesser and not Righteous (in their eyes)

Except they have no real righteousness within themselves (which can be seen from their hypocritical actions)

 As evidence I submit our current crop of Democrat politicians like Gavin Newsome, who infamously was photographed at a $600 a plate French Restaurant with his crony friends having no masks on or social distancing, while simultaneously locking down all restaurants and churches telling worshipers they cannot sing in Church.

Or the case of my own state where the Mayor of Denver Michael Hancock, infamously told all of Denver not to travel during Thanksgiving 2020, and then was caught 3 hours later and photographed at Denver Airport boarding a plane to see his daughter for Thanksgiving.

And then there's Fancy Nancy Pelosi who like the Queen of England had a hairdresser shop in her District in San Francisco open up just so she could have her hair done, while the entire City was banned from such niceties because of Covid...

Our northern neighbors in Canada are suffering an even worse form of control freak hypocrisy from their political so called leaders, as they ate at "Sky Palace" high above Calgary's skyline while simultaneously having the police arrest pastors like Artur Pawlowski who once escaped Communist Poland, or Tim Stephens for the sin of opening their churches like normal...

These hypocritical modern day Pharisees that Jesus likened to "Snakes" and "a Brood of Vipers" have created in their own minds an incredible arrogance and superiority complex that gives them the illusion of superiority and the delusion of their own (self) righteousness...

These types must be confronted or they will become the next version of Che's Marxist killer factions, or Castro's similar goon squads, or Hitler's Brown shirts attacking and burning the houses and businesses of those who refuse to bow to their little false Idols. Last summer we witnessed their Goon squads out in nearly every major city for nearly a year...

They have to be stood up to and voted down, prayed down, out flanked, out maneuvered at every turn or we will lose this Country. The price our Christian children and Grandchildren will have to pay will be too high...

Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...

Saturday, July 24, 2021

I Have Very Good Reasons to Mistrust Some Doctors Today...

I have very good reasons to mistrust some doctors today...

Twenty eight years ago before my first son was born the doctor told us we should think about abortion because our son would be deformed.

I got angry and said "That's not happening" and it turned out our son was not deformed. Either our doctor was lying or she was pushing some sort of agenda...

After doing some research I've learned that within the medical community there are some who think themselves to be gods (Little g), have tossed away their Hippocratic oath to "Do no harm" and believe they can decide who lives and who dies...

It's called Eugenics and it started in the early 1900's with people like Margaret Sanger the mother of Planned Parenthood and others.

Margaret Sanger was extremely racist and was a "Progressive" of her day. She even spoke at a few Klan rallies. No, I'm not kidding...

Today this mindset still exists but is couched in insidious terms like "Choice" and "Women's health"

This sort of thinking and ideology is demonic and has been adopted by mainstream American society.

Today the child that our doctor suggested should be aborted has a four year degree from Colorado Christian University and is Married to the Christian woman he met at that College...

You see what Satan planned and tried to do for evil has backfired and is now turning out for great good...

Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Another shooting in my State. Why?


Here we are once again...

The makeshift memorial gets set up and grieving mourning citizens place flowers and cards, candles and teddy bears honoring 10 slain good people in my state...

This time it's Boulder, a city I've performed band gigs in many, many times for clubs or weddings or casual events.

I've typed many times before of an attachment to Columbine and Century 16 theater shootings in previous blogs so I won't do that here.

I'm going to focus here instead on why I believe these tragedies keep occuring...

Our culture has become a culture of death...That's as succinct as I can put it.

We've been teaching younger generations than mine since 1973 that life is worthless and something to be discarded and thrown away...

How? You say?

Well, let's look at recent american history...

1973 was a pivotal point for our nation. We suddenly went from a country that respected ALL life to one that began saying "These little lives are not worth much, we should abort, tear apart limb from limb and throw them in the trash"

Yes, I'm talking about abortion...

Some will say " I have the right to choose!" And that would be correct...

But what is that choice?

The choice is the death of another, separate tiny human life made in God's image stated clearly in God's word, the bible.

We as a nation made that fateful decision way back when I was in the ninth grade, that certain lives are not worth living while other lives are worth living...

We began saying as a Nation MY WILL BE DONE rather than THY WILL BE DONE.

Yes that's a bible quote straight from the book of Matthew 6:10 where Jesus said 

Thy Kingdom come THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven...

Why do you suppose Our Lord Jesus Christ stated this is how you should pray?

Because Jesus being fully God and fully human knew human nature...

Jesus knew how selfish and self centered we human beings are...

He knew that for all humans, ALL humans we are basically very self absorbed, self centered, narcissistic people that most times look out for our own selfish interests and selfish desires rather than others interests...Christ knew us well...

So, in the Lord's prayer He made sure we would focus on GOD'S will, rather than our own, and said, this is how you should pray. Take your focus OFF yourselves and focus on GOD and His will to get us thinking and praying less selfishly...

The Catholic Nun Mother Teresa who served the extremely poor in Calcutta said this about abortion, and still holds true today.

"The greatest destroyer of peace in the world today is abortion, because it is a war, a direct killing" And...

"If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell one another not to kill"

The Boulder accused shooter is an Islamic man named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa and is charged with 10 counts of murder including that of a Boulder Police officer Eric Talley a Catholic man who had seven children and a wife who are now fatherless and a she a widow.

Immediately after the shooting and the video was released to media of Alissa walking with a bloodied leg with Boulder Police escorting him, Twitter liberal progressives including celebrities indignantly and joyfully were posting things like " See, I knew it would be a white Trump supporter" 

Except Alissa isn't a white Trump supporter, he's originally from Syria, and is a Muslim man...So, he's the exact opposite of a White Trump supporter.

Those same liberal progressives began eating crow and pulling their tweets down very quickly...

Police are saying " No motive is known at this time"

Which, to this observer seems ingenuous...

Because of these facts, the Boulder shooters name and religious affiliation have been completely scrubbed from nearly all national media, and the story has all but disappeared from the media narrative (except locally in Colorado)  because the truth of this shooting and it's shooter goes directly against the Mainstream liberal progressive propaganda that ALL white Trump supporters are violence prone, and all Muslims are from the Religion of Peace. Doesn't fit the narrative so the story must disappear from the 6PM network evening news...our media is lying constantly These days but that's another blog...

Meanwhile in Colorado we once again have to bury 10 deceased brothers, father's, mothers, Sisters and coworkers...

When will people wakeup and when will this all end...

Come soon Lord Jesus...

Don't shoot me,

I'm just the Sax player

Sunday, January 24, 2021

How Cancel Culture began...

 I was walking today and began thinking about "Cancel Culture"

Surely you've heard of this... the Cancel culture online on Twitter or Facebook or Tik Tok etc. that seems to be all the Rage (pun intended) these days...

So where did "Cancel Culture" come from?

People now in 2021 or 2020, or even 2019, that have been so enraged at someone on social media that types or says something this person disagrees with, a Mob of like minded Twitterati that fully believe they have the god given right to not only disagree with the person with a differing idea, but they have the right to personally berate, bully, sling personal insults at, condemn, or even report said offensive persons post to a higher authority of some sort...As we've seen the last few years the "Twitter Mobs" are quite effective, shutting down speech of very well known people, or just your own kid in the sixth grade. It's even gotten to the point where the Twitter Mobs are now out in the streets attacking homes of Congressmen, Senators or Mayors who are not necessarily Conservative or on the political right at all but on the political left...I'm sure that came as a shock to some Democrat Politicians recently...

I recall about 8-9 years ago reading an article by a very liberal professor at a very prestigious university who was alarmed by his students showing up on Campus speaking events of well known speakers like Milo Yiannopoulis or Ann Coulter, or Ben Shapiro or other speakers with very conservative beliefs and ideas and watching his students forming shout down groups, or walking into these speakers events and using bullhorns to shout down said conservative authors and speakers, or even get somewhat contentious and maybe even violent protesting that these conservative speakers were even INVITED to speak at their Campuses...

This Prof was now telling his own students "Hey, wait a minute, You shouldn't be violently shouting down speech of those you disagree with, that's not my message"

I was amazed at this liberal progressive Professors profound blindness and naivete..."Seriously?" I thought. "You created these little monsters, surely you know that right?" 

Here was a Professor at an Ivy League University that was so blind to the fact that for years or even decades he and a thousand other Left wing socialist, Anti God, anti capitalist College teachers have pumped into young minds that "America is a bad evil place, America has never been great, America is a Racist nation, Most Conservatives and Republicans are white racists and secretly KKK members, conservative Christians are homophobic Islamophobic bigots, the conservative right are narrow minded bigots, All Trump voters and conservatives are inherently racists and White supremacists, the conservative Republican right are deplorable ignorant white southern racists that still have the Dixie flag in their garages" And suddenly this Teacher is SHOCKED that his students are now rioting on Campus because Ann Coulter. or Ben Shapiro, or Pamela Geller or Dennis Prager showed up to give a speech on Ideas he's been drilling into these kids heads are "The most backwards evil propaganda since Adolph Hitler and Rudolph Hess were goose stepping in Berlin"

That an Ivy League professor finally woke up and began seeing his own Campus students rioting and canceling the speech of well known conservative authors was somehow wrong and a violation of free speech had finally dawned on him, But he still was unaware that it was HIS OWN dogma and TAUGHT IDEOLOGIES served into these 18-21 year olds impressionable brains that was the cause of it surprised me...

He had no Inkling...

Which leads me to C.S. Lewis' Quote from "The Abolition of Man"

"And all the time, such is the Tragi-Comedy of our situation, we continue to Clamour for those very qualities we render impossible....In sort of a ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function, we make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise, we laugh at honour and are SHOCKED to find traitors in our midst, we castrate, and bid the Geldings be fruitful" (Emphasis mine)

In other words less cerebral than Lewis'  It's the college profs own far left wing anti American, humanist, socialist, anti God, Communist, hate America first Lectures that are causing these College kids to take bullhorns into the streets and pipes or bats or boards with nails in them (and more recently guns) so as to not only shout down Milo or Ben Shapiro's speeches but for the last 10 months loot a few Wal-Marts, burn a few hundred Cop cars, attack a Police station, and destroy several hundred small businesses of even Black Small business owners...

The professor who seemed shocked at what his Campus students were beginning to do 8 years ago, is just one example of I'm sure a thousand others perhaps not as naive and innocent as this one mentioned, but I think many, many others who knew EXACTLY what they were drilling into impressionable  students minds and that's been their plan all along...

And for those types I offer some Bible scripture...

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight. Isaiah 5:20-21

It is inevitable that stumbling Blocks must come, but woe to the one through whom they come, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the Sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. Luke 17:1-2

Don't shoot me I'm just the sax player...