I have very good reasons to mistrust some doctors today...
Twenty eight years ago before my first son was born the doctor told us we should think about abortion because our son would be deformed.
I got angry and said "That's not happening" and it turned out our son was not deformed. Either our doctor was lying or she was pushing some sort of agenda...
After doing some research I've learned that within the medical community there are some who think themselves to be gods (Little g), have tossed away their Hippocratic oath to "Do no harm" and believe they can decide who lives and who dies...
It's called Eugenics and it started in the early 1900's with people like Margaret Sanger the mother of Planned Parenthood and others.
Margaret Sanger was extremely racist and was a "Progressive" of her day. She even spoke at a few Klan rallies. No, I'm not kidding...
Today this mindset still exists but is couched in insidious terms like "Choice" and "Women's health"
This sort of thinking and ideology is demonic and has been adopted by mainstream American society.
Today the child that our doctor suggested should be aborted has a four year degree from Colorado Christian University and is Married to the Christian woman he met at that College...
You see what Satan planned and tried to do for evil has backfired and is now turning out for great good...
Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...
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