Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We're surrounded by little control Freaks...

 There are little control freaks everywhere now...

They're in our governments, in our school systems, in the corporate world, even in our Churches...

They do this because they cannot control their own impulses and lust for power and money...So in order to feel justified and superior they seek control over others they see as Lesser and not Righteous (in their eyes)

Except they have no real righteousness within themselves (which can be seen from their hypocritical actions)

 As evidence I submit our current crop of Democrat politicians like Gavin Newsome, who infamously was photographed at a $600 a plate French Restaurant with his crony friends having no masks on or social distancing, while simultaneously locking down all restaurants and churches telling worshipers they cannot sing in Church.

Or the case of my own state where the Mayor of Denver Michael Hancock, infamously told all of Denver not to travel during Thanksgiving 2020, and then was caught 3 hours later and photographed at Denver Airport boarding a plane to see his daughter for Thanksgiving.

And then there's Fancy Nancy Pelosi who like the Queen of England had a hairdresser shop in her District in San Francisco open up just so she could have her hair done, while the entire City was banned from such niceties because of Covid...

Our northern neighbors in Canada are suffering an even worse form of control freak hypocrisy from their political so called leaders, as they ate at "Sky Palace" high above Calgary's skyline while simultaneously having the police arrest pastors like Artur Pawlowski who once escaped Communist Poland, or Tim Stephens for the sin of opening their churches like normal...

These hypocritical modern day Pharisees that Jesus likened to "Snakes" and "a Brood of Vipers" have created in their own minds an incredible arrogance and superiority complex that gives them the illusion of superiority and the delusion of their own (self) righteousness...

These types must be confronted or they will become the next version of Che's Marxist killer factions, or Castro's similar goon squads, or Hitler's Brown shirts attacking and burning the houses and businesses of those who refuse to bow to their little false Idols. Last summer we witnessed their Goon squads out in nearly every major city for nearly a year...

They have to be stood up to and voted down, prayed down, out flanked, out maneuvered at every turn or we will lose this Country. The price our Christian children and Grandchildren will have to pay will be too high...

Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...

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