In Revelation spoken of by Christ Himself.
The Greek for Sorcery is Pharmakon, or Pharmakos, or Pharmakeia. The use of medicines, drugs or spells, or Witchcraft or sorcery. This is where we get our word Pharmacy or pharmaceuticals from...
Revelation 2:20-21 Says " You tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess, by her teaching she misleads my servants to be sexually immoral and to eat foods sacrificed to Idols. Even though I have given her time to repent of her immorality she is UNWILLING." (My emphasis)
An Idol can be a human like a pop star or rock star, or a President, or a Communist dictator, or even a Christian rock star, or an athlete or movie star, or even a religious figure like the Pope, or super mega TV Evangelists. An Idol can also be an object like a big fine house or an expensive car, or drugs, or like the Pachamama pagan Idols the Pope brought into the Vatican about 3 years ago...
Jezebel also leads the people of God into sexual immorality. How is that happening today to the people of God? Just look at most liberal churches today. Homosexuality is Ok with them, their pastors, priests, and teachers teach sexual immorality including homosexuality and transgenderism that it's Ok with their churches denominations and leaders.
They are teaching " My servants" or God's servants that sexual immorality is perfectly fine and acceptable...These liberal churches say Jezebel's teachings and use of sorcery (deception) and the normalizing of sexual immorality is Ok, but those who say it's wrong are called "haters" " homophobic" and even " immoral" when in fact it's the pushers of sexual immorality pushing transgenderism on 5 year old kids, men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women that are the ACTUAL immoral people, and they push it on our kids in schools and all over TV.
Even the so called Pope refused to confront the President of the U.S. about the sin of killing tiny human beings God says are made in His image two days ago ( October 28, 2021) in a private meeting in which no press was allowed, which has never happened before. The President ( who says he's Catholic) thinks abortion is just swell, which is COMPLETELY against the teachings of the Catholic church. In the Catholic church abortion is considered a MORTAL SIN and the Pope said nothing to him about it!
Today our nation is completely divided over this FORCED vaccine mandate, which is actually against the Constitution, not to mention our liberty, freedom, bodily autonomy, and " Choice" which leftists have thrown in our faces for 40 years concerning the killing of unborn life... Suddenly and hypocritically they now loudly say " You have no choice! Get the shot! You're selfish! You're killing people! I don't want unvaccinated hospital workers or police or military people unvaccinated around me so you're FIRED! Very Christ like No?
Never mind that their choice of FORCING others to NOT have a choice about a bunch of unproven chemical filled syringes that even thousands of medical workers don't want shoved in their bodies and are refusing becomes " Mandated"
" You refuse the shot and three or four or five boosters!, You have no choice so bye bye you lose your job and your pension, and your VA benefits because you're a BAD selfish person!" "How dare you not bow to the Fauci God and Vaccine god!"
Oh wait...what we're we talking about earlier? Idol is anything that we worship instead of God like an object, person, or even a drug you're addicted to...or drugs illicit or illegal or legal, or even a drug pumped into our bodies by FORCE like a Vaccine because people have so bowed to the Pharmakeia, witchcraft, sorcery, or drug they believe will SAVE THE WORLD that it is now their god ( little g) or more accurately false god or idol.
And they treat it like their god...And you will bow to their little Idol god OR ELSE.
Let's pray that the real God sees all of this and will do something about this mess...
Revelation 18:4-8
Babylon is fallen- Come out of her my people, so that you will not have fellowship in her sins, or contract any of her plagues, for her sins have been heaved up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Give back to her as she has rendered and payback two fold according to her works in the cup she has mixed, mix double to her. So much as she has glorified herself and lived in luxury, give to her as much torment and misery, because in her heart she says ' I sit as Queen and am never a widow and shall never see mourning, therefore her plagues will come in one day, death and grief and famine.
From Strongs bible concordance. Pharmakeia: the use of drugs medicines or spells. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine. Transliteration: Pharmakeia. Phonetic spelling ( far-mak-'i-ah) definition: the use of medicine drugs or spells. Usage- Magic sorcery enchantment
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