Not that long ago Democrats were the champions of free speech...
I remember the protests on college campuses in the 60s and 70s where particularly at campuses like Berkeley in California or C.U. Boulder the left marched and chanted Free Speech! And had signs declaring that.
Todays Democrats on college campuses and on the internet and particularly on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube literally SQUASH the free speech of those they disagree with.
How many times have we seen the likes of Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannoupolis kicked off college campuses in the last five years? How many conservatives like James Woods, or Diamond and Silk, or Dan Bongino, or Sharyll Atkisson have been either shadow banned or completely kicked off those platforms? And that's just the famous ones...
How many Joe conservatives have been cyber jailed or put in facebooks famous timeout or completely kicked off these platforms? Heck I'm a nobody just a musician and I've been in Facebook timeout this year MORE than not...and don't smugly say "Well you violated their terms and they're a private business so they can do that"
Hogwash, numerous times I've protested Facebooks judgment cyber jailing me and several times they've admitted a mistake.
Today's Democrats are the exact opposite of what they were just a few years ago who now proclaim with their smug noses in the air that "Social media companies are private businesses who can ban, shut down, shadow ban and throw off of their platforms whoever they want"
Wow, what a complete 180 degree turnaround from just 3-4 years ago. Suddenly, and within the last few years those on the left have now thrown away their anti capitalist anti corporate ideals, now proclaiming "Big business is great!, as long as it's big business that completely squashes and eradicates the free speech of those I disagree with! Awesome!"
Just a few years ago Democrats were still protesting "Down with the Man!" meaning down with the evil government leaders and bureaucrats and the military industrial complex they saw as wicked oppressors and war mongers. Now, Suddenly, Democrats are no longer screaming "Down with the man!" They ARE THE MAN.
Now that Democrats ARE THE MAN and in charge of big government and the millions of beauracrats like the 87 thousand new IRS agents that they want to hire and arm, suddenly it's "Hey! We need those thousands of Tax collectors to catch and arrest all the tax scofflaws!" Not to mention raid all the thousands of small businesses that we don't like! Arrest those Ruffian law breakers!"
Hey, If they can raid the former presidents house what else can they get away with?
We won't mention that just two years ago during the height of the pandemic, Democrat politicians like Pelosi, Maxine Watters, AOC or Others were saying " Oh those rioters in Kenosha and L.A. are just blowing off steam, I don't know why there aren't more protesters in the streets!"
It's like Democrats core beliefs and ideals are completely fungible, able to change according to whether their politicians are in charge at the moment...
Or maybe they don't actually HAVE any core beliefs and ideals...but that's another blog...
Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax player...
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