Last week Comedy central, the Network that regularly depicts Jesus as a "Regular Guy" decided to censor an episode of South Park because it showed the Islamic Prophet Muhammed in a bear suit.
The creators of South Park were none too happy according to reports on media outlets but have to toe the line if they want to keep their jobs (and maybe their heads).
Comedy central decided to censor the show because of threats and intimidation from Islamic groups
deciding perhaps it's better to be PC than deal with people that like to intimidate anyone that does not bow to their way of thinking.
This sets a dangerous precedent in "The Land of the free, and home of the Brave" because if a national cable television cartoon network can be intimidated into censoring a cartoon what does that mean for average Americans that might speak their minds on Islam or anything else so controversial like you and me?
I would have some sympathy for Comedy Central except for a couple of shows they produce like "South Park" that regularly depict Jesus, whom the majority of Americans believe is their God, as a joke or in the case of a brand new show CC is contemplating producing called "JC" that will depict Jesus as a father who lives under the shadow of his father's giant reputation and sits around all day playing video games ignoring his son.
I don't hear any church going american Christians ranting angrily, protesting Comedy Central for blaspheming their prophet, and in fact many of my believing friends watch these shows, (some in secret). And here is the point of this whole meandering mass of media is that if you make fun of Jesus in a cartoon show, some Christians might get irritated, maybe even write a blog about it. But if you make a funny, satirical show depicting Muhammed in a bear suit making fun of sacred cows, you will get censored by your network, and if you're not careful. you might get your head cut off. Just ask Theo Van Gogh.
Believers of Christianity have to decide if we will bow to pressure like Comedy Central just did, or stand up and speak up while we still have the opportunity to do so.
Remember, I'm just the sax player.
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