As Some of my readers know, I was once almost 40 years ago a liberal Progressive Democrat.
I voted for Jimmy Carter in College back in 1976 and then sat back and watched Jimmy weaken our military, tell us to turn down our thermostats and put sweaters on to save energy, made us drive 55 MPH even for excruciating long distance drives, and completely turned the Iran Hostage situation into a laughable boondoggle that he had no idea how to handle...
It was at that point I really began to think hard about my own mindset, or why I believed and thought in ideological terms as a Liberal Democrat...
An unsettling feeling came over me around 1979 watching Carters ineptness as a President and leader
of our nation and why he was so inept...
I have no doubts that Jimmy is a good man who says he's a Christian and even teaches Sunday school, but something was beginning to really bother me about his (and my own) mindset and belief system and the beliefs of my liberal progressive compatriots across this nation...
It then dawned on me that what was occurring inside my own heart and head was a revealing of a duplicity or double mindedness that I was becoming aware of in myself as well as those who called themselves Liberals...
Thoughts began forming in my young mind about the duplicity of people like myself and ALL liberal Democrats like "Wait a minute, I claim to be personally against abortion, but I also say a Woman has a right to Choose to have an abortion"
Or "Hold on now, I say and all liberals say we're against environmental degradation, but I'm noticing a lot of Liberal Democrats are leaving trash all over the place at their protests" or "Now wait, I'm saying and believing I'm a good and moral person but I'm sleeping with my college girlfriend and partying too much"
It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head that was telling me "Wait, you're saying one thing, but in your own personal actions and what you actually do seems to be saying something else"
It was a "Enlightenment" of my own conscience if you will...
I began to notice this type of Duplicitous and double minded thinking in nearly every liberal Democrat I watched in the news, or heard speak, or thought about voting for...
Years later watching then President Bill Clinton get caught up in a sex scandal of his own making with a 21 year old intern named Monica Lewinsky, I heard and watched a man that Democrats defended and made excuses for over and over again. Many still make excuses for Bill Clinton's dalliances and sexual escapades with not just one or two women but SCORES of women who were coming out of the closet to say that Governor Clinton in Arkansas had sexually assaulted or even raped them...
Yet these same people that excused and voted for this reprehensible man (and his enabling controlling wife years later) claimed to be good Christian people and were church goers who believed themselves to be moral people...Worse yet these same liberals currently were harshly attacking the present day President Mr. Trump for some "Bad words" towards women he'd spoken years before he was even running for President. Those very same liberal Democrats have spoken and typed some incredibly foul mouthed and offensive sentences about Melania Trump the Presidents wife...
I began to question how can people who think of themselves as decent law abiding church going people completely justify and excuse the reprehensible and immoral behavior of a known sexual assaulter Bill Clinton, but still put him and his deceitful manipulating wife back in the white house? And now believe that somehow that is a more moral choice for this nation?
It's because these folks have completely deluded and deceived themselves over many years by saying and claiming one set of moral standards with their mouths or their pens, but then contradict themselves by ACTING OUT and VOTING FOR a completely different set of moral standards...
Take abortion again...Liberal progressive Democrats still to this day hold two completely contradictory thoughts and beliefs in their heads concerning the murder of unborn human life made in God's Image. (Genesis 1:26-27)
How you might say?
Well, How many times have we heard a liberal say "I'm personally against abortion, but I believe a woman has every right to choose an abortion even right up until the baby is born"
You see, these are two completely contradictory and opposite beliefs and thoughts...You cannot possibly be both against abortion as they claim, AND be pro choice simultaneously...the thoughts and beliefs contradict one another...One cannot say "I'm against abortion" and then state simultaneously "I firmly believe a woman has every right to abort and kill her own child and I call that a woman's choice"
Let's take another example, Homosexual Marriage...
The liberal progressive and liberal church goer will say "I believe the Bible is God's word"
and then in the next breath say "I believe two people that love each other have a right to get married, I believe in Marriage equality"
Yet the bible liberals claim to believe in states without a shadow of a doubt numerous times that Marriage between or even sex between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is an abomination in the LORD'S eyes and is expressly forbidden. (Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, Romans 1:27)
You cannot entertain "Marriage equality" and also claim to believe that the bible is God's word...those are contradicting statements and beliefs...
In the Bible Jesus had extremely harsh words for the duplicitous and double minded religious leaders of his day called the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
You see Jesus reached the point where He saw completely through the facade of religiosity and the mind boggling hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders, who had great religious and political power, and could force all citizens to strictly abide by their extremely hard to follow draconian rules and regulations about food, manner of cleanliness, sexual purity, and religious practice.
But Christ revealed to EVERYONE how these leaders never followed their own edicts and broke their own harsh regulations and rules. In other words when he called these hypocrites "A brood of Vipers", and "Snakes" he was calling them out on their double standards and duplicitous minds and behavior. (Matthew 12:34, Luke 3:7)
As everyone knows that's exactly why the religious leaders plotted and planned to kill Jesus Christ because of their own duplicitous thinking and double mindedness.
That too however turned out for all human kinds good and was our salvation for those of us who believe in Him...
Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...