Monday, September 14, 2020

Prophetic Biblical implications of Ghostbusters

 I've been watching Ghostbusters incessantly over the last 4 years, and now I think I know why...

The film beloved by millions and myself has an appeal unlike many other top films, why is that?

Is there something deeper to the writers intent in the fun comedic ghost filled movie? Or did Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis (Script and Screenwriters) just accidentally touch on something much deeper?

How deep one might say? I say, prophetically and biblically deep and here's why...

As millions of us fans know Ghostbusters entails the trio of supernatural Ghost hunters played by actors Bill Murray as Peter Venkman, Dan Ackroyd as Ray Stantz, and Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler, later joined by a fourth character Winston Zeddemore played by Ernie Hudson.

The trio are scientists at a University and not very good scientists as they get fired and kicked out of their college mostly because Peter Venkman is a sort of Con Man who seems more interested in finding young college girls to chase than working on his scientific experiments.

Call it Fate, call it Luck...

The trio of parasychologists get kicked out by the dean but Venkman realizes it's meant to be, he understands there's something bigger at play than just the Dean of the College rejecting their "Theories of the worst kind of popular tripe"

Peter Venkman whether he realizes it or not already believes in something bigger than himself, perhaps fate, or luck or possibly even a belief in God.

We are given hints of what the Ghostbusters believe throughout the film but we'll get to that later.

So, taking a leap of faith, the trio take the plunge and start a business using Ray Stantz's House as collateral, Egon Spengler the smartest and most truly scientific of the three delares, "The interest rate alone comes to ninety five thousand dollars in five years"

I heard a voice say Zuul...

Enter the female love interest and one of the key players in the film Dana Barrett played by the accomplished and beautiful Sigourney Weaver who's been dubbed by many as "The Queen of Sci Fi"

Dana's character encounters a being of some kind in her refrigerator named "Zuul" which looks somewhat like a Demonic dog and the filmakers even named these beasts "Demon Dogs"

"Not your typical behavior for a major appliance"

The bizarre encounter by Dana takes her to see the Ghostbusters who do a few tests on her declaring they will begin to investigate the strange being in her refrigerator. Peter Venkman instantly is attracted to the beautiful Ms. Barrett and investigates Dana's NYC apartment but finding nothing to Dana's consternation and aggravation where he admits "I'm madly in love with You"

I'm going to completely change gears here and reveal what I feel are some very interesting if not down right creepy parallels between Ghostbusters written produced and filmed way back in 1984 and what we in this Country are right now experiencing in September of 2020.

Anyone that's alive today understands we are in unprecedented unchartered territory, with the Corona virus pandemic, racial and civil unrest not seen in 5 decades, and a spring and summer of unrest and violence from riots or so called Protests that have engulfed America this year, as well as massive fires in several western states from Calif. to Colorado which have caused apocalyptic orange skies over much of California and other western states, and these things don't seem to be going away.

In Ghostbusters, some very strange things are happening, ghosts or some sort of spirits are appearing all over New York City which is why the Ghostbusters are becoming so busy. In one scene where Winston Zeddemore their new hire and Ray Stantz are riding in the car Winston who reveals he believes in God, and "Loves Jesus' Style" asks Ray if he believes in God, which Ray says "He's never met him" meaning, no, he doesn't really believe in God. 

Winston responds "Ray, do you remember something in the bible about the dead rising from the grave?" But by the end of the conversation Ray, who apparently had some Bible knowledge at some point quotes the book of Revelation (actually misquoting the wrong verse number, it's Rev. 6:12 not 7:12) "And I looked, and He opened the sixth seal, and the Sun turned black as sackcloth, and the Moon became as Blood..."

To which Winston responds "And the Skies fell and the seas boiled" both saying "Judgment day"

Ray however still not believing says "Every ancient religion has it's own myth about the end of the world" To which Winston the Christian says "Myth? Ray, has it ever occurred to you that the reason we've been so busy lately is because the Dead HAVE BEEN rising from the grave." And Ray suddenly and alarmingly realizes that perhaps Winston is right wanting "A little Music" as a comfort...

Winston in this one scene convinces Ray previously agnostic that perhaps the reason they are very busy is because the biblical notion of the Dead rising from their graves is what is causing the "Ghosts" showing up all over Manhattan. Interestingly, this scene ends with a long and wide shot of the car going over a bridge with the Two Towers in the direct background which as we all know were completely destroyed 17 years later killing 3,000 people, the most deadly attack on the United states since Pearl Harbor.

Nineteen years after that deadly attack, and a war that has stretched on since America is now facing what I and several other Biblically literate observers are seeing that can only be described as the prercursors to Judgment, yes, that's what I said. A Pandemic that cannot be stopped or a cure found (yet), civil strife and unrest and violence this year (2020) that I have not witnessed since the early 1970's Vietnam protest era, a complete lockdown or stalling of the American economy for millions (including myself, I have not played a Music job or band gig or Church gig this year), Churches being told they cannot have more than 50 people in some states and in California, Churches have been ordered to NOT SING and some are facing fines or even possible jail time just for having church indoors. The U.S. Government, the Congress is no longer working, no longer operating because the two political sides are at each others throats. Millions of Americans are at each others throats arguing politics on social media. 

In Ghostbusters, the Quartet of Spiritual soldiers get thrown in jail as a sniveling micro managing control freak agent from the Environmental protection agency decides he will turn off their protection grid that keeps all the ghosts and spiritual entities locked up which unleashes literal hell into NYC.

I submit to you dear reader that we, the people of God, the church, the followers of Jesus are the equivalent of the Ghostbusters holding back and keeping in check the dark demonic spiritual forces that are right this very day threatening to completely tear apart and destroy America...and just like in the movie there are a large number of completely unaware, spiritually dead government officials unwittingly starting to release dark, destructive demons or "ghosts" by their stupidity and lack of spiritual discernment in this nation. And they have no clue that they're aiding and abetting this...

How odd, In the Movie an incompetent Government official goes after a small business trying to shut them down, and in 2020 in America we have Hair salon Owners being railroaded and thrown under the bus by a powerful government official named Nancy Pelosi who used her powerful position to get her hair cut and blow dried while NONE of us little people can do the same. In Denver a racetrack wanting to open for their drag racing season but mandated they cannot, has been sued by the state of Colorado and Jefferson County as they had an event for about 2,000 3,000 people. Simultaneously the Governor has allowed the Glorified NFL Denver Broncos to have 7,500 people at an NFL game, just nobody like myself can play a gig in a club in the city of Denver.

As the Ghostbusters are taken from jail to the NYC Mayors office as he's in a bind trying to deal with Ghostly (or Demonic) entities that are causing havoc all over NYC. Our heroes declare "A disaster of biblical proportions" is about to be unleashed upon NYC unless something is done...The Catholic Bishop shows up and declares " personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but dont quote me on that"  revealing that the Bishop of NYC is not willing to put his religious career and high position in jeopardy by speaking the truth.

Meanwhile, the would be girlfriend of Peter Venkman has been literally possessed by the entity from her refrigerator Zuul. If you've read the Bible at all you know that it deals with the reality of demons as if they definitely exist. Jesus cast numerous demons out of several people including a boy that threw himself into the fire, and a man so demon possessed that he would break chains and run naked through the countryside. Oddly, the town where this possessed man came from were so freaked out by what Jesus did putting the man in his right mind again that they made him leave.

Dr. Venkman witnesses Dana's possession as she attempts to seduce him into a sexual encounter thinking he is the other possesed human needed to complete the sexual ritual and thus bringing the larger demon entity Gozer, the destructor. In many ancient religions and even in ancient Israel the reason God judged those nations was because they had adopted the demonic, false god worshiping religions like Baal worship, and the most hideous of these religions Molech worship, which entailed the parents of a first born child "sacrificing" the baby to the god Molech which was a huge brass Idol that was heated to thousands of degrees, and then the abomination of putting the first born child into this fiery Idol would burn the child alive. In many of these ancient religions temple worship included perverted orgies that they believed pleased their ( false) gods.

I have written before about how today in so called modern America we have now gotten to the point of sacrificing our own children to the god of "Choice" which of course is the holocaust of modern abortion. 60 million babies made in God's image (which He states in Psalms and other places) have been sacrificed in this manner thinking "Life will be better and easier" 

In a well known ceremony last year New York's governor Cuomo signed a bill surrounded by abortion proponents that would enable the destruction and killing of an unborn baby right up until the day it would have been born, and it was CHEERED by the onlookers...We are no further along than the ancient Pagan nations religious rituals that sacrificed children that the Israelites adopted...

In one scene in particular Dana Barrett now possessed by Zuul, is seen after her apartment is blown apart sitting in a chair, her legs spread wide open as if she were a whore, and she is sitting in front of the blown out wall behind her which looks a whole lot like a cutout of the shape of the United States. in the distance is the skyline of New York City. After looking at this scene hundreds of times I've deduced that the writers of the film were either purposefully or unintentionally showing Dana Barrett as the Biblical Whore of Babylon in Revelation, waiting in a sexual pose for the other Possessed character Vinz Glortho (Played by Rick Moranis) and visually saying here's the Biblical Whore of Babylon, New York City, and America, which is about to be judged and visited by Demonic forces of Immense power, and possibly destruction, because she loved her sexual demonic perversions and blood spilling child killing more than she loved God.

Here's hoping that I'm wrong, and some Ghostbusters like spiritual heroes and prayer warriors can arrive in 2020 as we watch not just New York City which has become a "Ghost Town" and numerous other American cities that are struggling under an actual pandemic, violence, and fires of biblical Proportions before the REAL Stay Puft Man destroys New York City and America for good.

Don't shoot me, I'm just the Sax Player.

Monday, August 31, 2020

I've been assaulted twice in the last 5 years

 I've been assaulted twice in the last 5 years,

Not physically but guys getting right up in my face wanting to start an altercation. Once in Downtown Denver by a homeless guy I was actually trying to give food to while waiting to play a gig, and last year by a Dad of a kid at my crossing guard Job who got an inch from my face screaming "Fu%$ You Fu%$# You for two minutes. That Dad is in jail now btw...

What I learned from this is that our society was getting very coarse, very uncaring and yes more and more violent...Here we are now in 2020 and Riots are happening in multiple cities, people are looting Wal-Marts and Targets while some say they have the RIGHT to do so.

People are burning down small businesses that black and white families have spent decades building, and some say "It's just stuff, they have a right to do that" A white person of 20 years old will get an inch from a black cops face and give him the finger calling him a Fu$#%@ Pig, and then shout 5 minutes later "Black Lives Matter!".

We've watched large groups of young people walk onto an interstate freeway blocking traffic for hours and if people attempt to drive through they pull them out of their cars and beat them. State Capitols and Churches and Synagogues have been vandalized with graffiti or worse with looting and destruction.

Young people seemed to believe they had the right to Tear down statues from civil war era heroes to slavery abolitionists and even Abraham Lincoln because they are so incredibly ignorant of American History. And City Government leaders did nothing to stop them, so why shouldn't they?

Churches in California are forced and told NO SINGING while the same City Government leaders will go out and march with several thousand people half of whom are not wearing masks and shouting "Black Lives Matter!" Apparently the Corona Virus automatically differentiates between a large street protest and a Church service...

We've seen young black men cold cock an older white man in the head as he was trying to keep his business from being looted or burned to the ground, and young black thugs who shot a retired Black Police officer as he tried to protect his friends store, and then they streamed the killing live on Facebook.

And amazingly most Media from Local affiliates to National networks seem to only be concerned with a scant few white cops who shoot a young black man because he was resisting arrest that had a lengthy rap sheet with some felonies and then we're told "These are Mostly Peaceful Protests"

In my nearly 62 years on this Planet I've seen some strange stuff, especially in foreign countries, but I've never seen anything quite like we're experiencing right now.
But this I do know...God is still in control, and He's watching ALL of this. He's telling us to REPENT, which means TURN AROUND, and stop doing what you're doing.

Especially leaders, civic leaders, church leaders...STOP lying to the people, stop encouraging them to continue raging in the streets, stop telling the People lies that it's OK to keep on sinning, It's OK to keep on hating your adversaries and filling the streets with rage and violence, it's OK to hate the other guy who votes differently than you do. At some point God Himself will say "That's enough" and HE will fix this mess if we cannot, or refuse to ourselves.

Don't shoot me,
I'm just the Sax Player

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Duplicity of the Liberal Progressive mind.

As Some of my readers know, I was once almost 40 years ago a liberal Progressive Democrat.

 I voted for Jimmy Carter in College back in 1976 and then sat back and watched Jimmy weaken our military, tell us to turn down our thermostats and put sweaters on to save energy, made us drive 55 MPH even for excruciating long distance drives, and completely turned the Iran Hostage situation into a laughable boondoggle that he had no idea how to handle...

It was at that point I really began to think hard about my own mindset, or why I believed and thought in ideological terms as a Liberal Democrat...

An unsettling feeling came over me around 1979 watching Carters ineptness as a President and leader
of our nation and why he was so inept...

I have no doubts that Jimmy is a good man who says he's a Christian and even teaches Sunday school, but something was beginning to really bother me about his (and my own) mindset and belief system and the beliefs of my liberal progressive compatriots across this nation...

It then dawned on me that what was occurring inside my own heart and head was a revealing of a  duplicity or double mindedness that I was becoming aware of in myself as well as those who called themselves Liberals...

Thoughts began forming in my young mind about the duplicity of people like myself and ALL liberal Democrats like "Wait a minute, I claim to be personally against abortion, but I also say a Woman has a right to Choose to have an abortion"

Or "Hold on now, I say and all liberals say we're against environmental degradation, but I'm noticing a lot of Liberal Democrats are leaving trash all over the place at their protests" or "Now wait, I'm saying and believing I'm a good and moral person but I'm sleeping with my college girlfriend and partying too much"

It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head that was telling me "Wait, you're saying one thing, but in your own personal actions and what you actually do seems to be saying something else"
It was a "Enlightenment" of my own conscience if you will...

I began to notice this type of Duplicitous and double minded thinking in nearly every liberal Democrat I watched in the news, or heard speak, or thought about voting for...

Years later watching then President Bill Clinton get caught up in a sex scandal of his own making with a 21 year old intern named Monica Lewinsky, I heard and watched a man that Democrats defended and made excuses for over and over again. Many still make excuses for Bill Clinton's dalliances and sexual escapades with not just one or two women but SCORES of women who were coming out of the closet to say that Governor Clinton in Arkansas had sexually assaulted or even raped them...

Yet these same people that excused and voted for this reprehensible man (and his enabling controlling wife years later) claimed to be good Christian people and were church goers who believed themselves to be moral people...Worse yet these same liberals currently were harshly attacking the present day President Mr. Trump for some "Bad words" towards women he'd spoken years before he was even running for President. Those very same liberal Democrats have spoken and typed some incredibly foul mouthed and offensive sentences about Melania Trump the Presidents wife...

I began to question how can people who think of themselves as decent law abiding church going people completely justify and excuse the reprehensible and immoral behavior of a known sexual assaulter Bill Clinton, but still put him and his deceitful manipulating wife back in the white house? And now believe that somehow that is a more moral choice for this nation?

It's because these folks have completely deluded and deceived themselves over many years by saying and claiming one set of moral standards with their mouths or their pens, but then contradict themselves by ACTING OUT and VOTING FOR a completely different set of moral standards...

Take abortion again...Liberal progressive Democrats still to this day hold two completely contradictory thoughts and beliefs in their heads concerning the murder of unborn human life made in God's Image. (Genesis 1:26-27)

How you might say?
Well, How many times have we heard a liberal say "I'm personally against abortion, but I believe a woman has every right to choose an abortion even right up until the baby is born"
You see, these are two completely contradictory and opposite beliefs and thoughts...You cannot possibly be both against abortion as they claim, AND be pro choice simultaneously...the thoughts and beliefs contradict one another...One cannot say "I'm against abortion" and then state simultaneously "I firmly believe a woman has every right to abort and kill her own child and I call that a woman's choice"

Let's take another example, Homosexual Marriage...
The liberal progressive and liberal church goer will say "I believe the Bible is God's word"
and then in the next breath say "I believe two people that love each other have a right to get married, I believe in Marriage equality"
Yet the bible liberals claim to believe in states without a shadow of a doubt numerous times that Marriage between or even sex between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is an abomination in the LORD'S eyes and is expressly forbidden. (Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, Romans 1:27)
You cannot entertain "Marriage equality" and also claim to believe that the bible is God's word...those are contradicting statements and beliefs...

In the Bible Jesus had extremely harsh words for the duplicitous and double minded religious leaders of his day called the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

You see Jesus reached the point where He saw completely through the facade of religiosity and the mind boggling hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders, who had great religious and political power, and could force all citizens to strictly abide by their extremely hard to follow draconian rules and regulations about food, manner of cleanliness, sexual purity, and religious practice.

 But Christ revealed to EVERYONE how these leaders never followed their own edicts and broke their own harsh regulations and rules. In other words when he called these hypocrites "A brood of Vipers", and "Snakes" he was calling them out on their double standards and duplicitous minds and behavior. (Matthew 12:34, Luke 3:7)

As everyone knows that's exactly why the religious leaders plotted and planned to kill Jesus Christ because of their own duplicitous thinking and double mindedness.

That too however turned out for all human kinds good and was our salvation for those of us who believe in Him...

Don't shoot me I'm just the Sax Player...

Friday, February 28, 2020

What is a Prophet of God?

The Bible speaks many times about Prophets or messengers. Who are these Prophets?
Prophets are appointed by God Himself and usually called to give a message to a certain Nation and it's People or society...

In the Old Testament of the Bible which is God's word there are many examples of Prophets or Messengers that the Lord Himself raises up or "Calls" to a specific Ministry usually to a society and it's people.
Almost all Prophets in scripture were appointed by God  because the Lord has a message that's extremely important to a nation and it's people, so God appoints these messengers to bring that particular message...

Prophets are an odd group of Biblical characters as evidenced by the highly peculiar Prophets in the old testament, and the new Testament both.
For example Hosea, who was called by God to take a wife that was actually a Prostitute and ended up being completely unfaithful to him. What a strange situation right?
Why in the world would God appoint a messenger who's wife was a Prostitute and completely unfaithful to him and have many different Lovers? Bizarre Right?

Well, if we read on in Hosea this happened because God was using him and his unfaithful prostitute wife as an exact mirror image or picture of Israel's complete Unfaithfulness to the Lord.
God used Hosea and his strange situation to demonstrate to Israel's people that that's exactly what God sees Israel and it's people doing...They are in complete rebellion and unfaithfulness to God and the only way He could even reach them is through Hosea's bizarre and extremely difficult relationship with his unfaithful wife...

Many times God appoints a prophet to a nation that has the terrible message that judgment is coming and they'd better get prepared or turn away from their wickedness before disaster happens, if it can be averted at all...
These Prophets have an extremely difficult Job of telling their own nation that God has had enough and the hand of judgment was soon coming.

Obviously that sort of really bad news is not well received by a society and it's people...but the real Prophet says and does what God has instructed him to say and do, not what a society and people WANT to hear, but what they NEED to hear.
Therefore, the real prophet does not care about what his culture or society thinks of him and his message particularly if it's bad news, he presses on not caring of how the consequences of a nasty judgmental message will be received by a society that has turned it's back to God in complete rebellion, Or what it will do to him personally which could be very uncomfortable...

Because of the Prophets sometimes harsh but true message the prophet can not only endure a lot of hardship in his own life, but even harsh ridicule, mockery or even persecution from his countrymen...
We see this from some Old Testament prophets like Jeremiah sometimes called "The Weeping Prophet" whom God told to put on a Yoke or a Wooden stock around his neck and head as a Testimony to Israel's people that the Yoke of being forced under the King of Babylon was coming. Tough Gig right?

Interestingly the False Prophet Hananiah broke this Stock or Yoke off Jeremiah's neck saying the Israelites would not be forced under the ruler of Babylon, which turned out to be completely false as History shows that yes, the Jews were put under Babylonian rule.This btw is how one discerns the real prophet from the False, the real prophets message can be extremely harsh and hard to hear, while the false prophets message may sound sweet, comforting and pleasant, except that the harsh judgment happens in reality while the false prophets "Peace" message does NOT happen. The real prophets message ALWAYS happens. This is not to say that a prophets message is not a peaceful one or always about the judgment and destruction of a nation, but sometimes it is.

Some Prophets in scripture predicted in exact detail the future or future events about people or a society. For instance, the prophet Micah who foretold the exact town of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem in Micah 5:2

"But You Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of Old, from ancient times"

And here in Psalms usually attributed to the warrior King David also a Prophet, about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ...Psalm 22:18

"They divide my garments among them, and cast lots for my Clothing"

These are small details about the birth and death Of Jesus right down to the clothing and place of birth told hundreds of years before...Amazing isn't it?

Other prophets have foretold events far into the distant future like for instance Daniel, prophesying of end time events which even Jesus alludes to here in Matthew 24:15

"So when you see standing in the Holy place the abomination of desolation, described by the prophet Daniel (Let the reader understand)

And in Daniel 12:11- "And from the time the daily sacrifice is abolished, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days"

We see here that the Prophet Daniel is talking about future events that even Christ confirms of what
is to come.

The New Testament also declares that the prophets job is not yet done as we see in Acts 2:17 as Peter preaches to the crowd...

"In the Last days God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people, your Sons and Daughters will prophesy, tour young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams..."

The prophets job is not to be taken lightly, and a very difficult job it is, but I'm Positive the real prophets of God are highly rewarded in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm just the Sax Player...