Monday, November 20, 2017

Entitled Basketball players get "Woke"

This morning a little 5 year old boy and his mom walk up to my corner and the little boy says
"Why are you always here?" And I said "Because I'm supposed to be here, That's my job"
And his mom says to him "Now be nice"
Then the little boy says,"We're getting tired of seeing you here."
The mom looks embarrassed...
So I tell the boy "Do you know who I work for?, The Police dept. hired me for this job to keep you
The boy says very arrogantly "I knew that, I already knew that."
So I told them both as I'm holding my sign up keeping the traffic on my very busy 3 lane boulevard from running them over because the light was about to change...
"Have a Nice Day"
My question is where does a little 5 year old boy learn that kind of extremely disrespectful, arrogant, insulting talk and behavior?
That's right, he learns it at home...his parents are teaching him that completely disrespectful, lawless behavior treating someone who's there to keep the little disrespectful bad mouthed kid and his mom safe...which I believe permeates our society today, Lawlessness, disrespect for the authorities, arrogance and extreme (wrongful) Pride.
We saw this when the President of the United States used his powerful influence to set free three American College kids who pulled a stupid stunt by stealing sunglasses in Communist China, who caught them and were about to put them on trial for theft. It was the Presidents intervention that freed those ignorant and foolish kids.
And then the father of one of them says...
"“Who?” Ball told ESPN when asked about Trump’s involvement in the situation. “What was he over there for? Don’t tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out.”
That's some gratitude for you...The President of the United States happens to be in China just when three American College Basketball Players pull an incredibly stupid stunt thinking they are in L.A. where stealing sunglasses may be no big deal...but in Communist China, you don't get a slap on the wrist, you can get a year or two or three in a Gulag doing hard labor...
The Chinese Communists don't mess around, those kids were in very serious trouble...I know as someone who performed in Beijing a few years ago, you don't pull something like theft there unless you want to be on a chain gang breaking rocks and getting bread and water for your dinner...those College athletes were in very serious trouble.
But the Father's response? Trump?, did nothing, I don't need his if the moronic dad could have gotten his kid out of a Chinese jail himself...
And as we see, the man has done such a superb job of raising his kid that he stole merchandise in a Communist foreign nation that would just as soon shoot you as look at you for theft.
The Chinese Communist Govt. is extremely authoritarian...I remember when I was performing there during the 60th anniversary of the Red Chinese Communist takeover, or what they would call "The Revolution" that supposedly set people free...except what I saw was guards surrounding Tiananmen square the night of the huge celebration that ONLY Communist party leaders and members could attend, and the entire square was surrounded by Police guards as well as military guards every TEN FEET for miles around the entire square...Their stance was clear, cross this line and we WILL shoot you...
Many of todays American teenagers and College kids are so spoiled, so indoctrinated by the feel good, do what you want when you want, entitled, snowflake mentality believing themselves so special... that when brutal reality hits them in the face, that the REAL world outside of their little safe space cocoon that coddles them like toddlers is a very DANGEROUS place...and like the Mom that has been teaching her five year old to disrespect the crossing guard trying to keep them safe from cars doing 50 miles an hour and looking on their phones not looking out for little kids, one of these days...these coddled, snowflake, bad mouthed, insulting lawless people are going to get a very...rude...awakening. And then they will be Fully uh, "Woke"
I'm just the Sax Player...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Rising Spirit of Anti Christ...

I seem to get into a lot of debates with atheists online,
It's part of my calling or ministry if you will...God seems to put atheists and God haters in front of me in comments sections of articles consistently. I'm right now in a debate that's lasted for 3 days with an atheist that has called me a bevy of foul mouthed names and insulted me and my family for days now while I try to reason some sense into them and even pray for them believe it or not...
This is typical behavior of atheists I debate, extremely hateful foul mouthed name callers that spew venomous insults at anyone that believes in God...they hate us believers with a passion that just seems to increase with time... Many of them respond to my comments I think because I offend them, or more aptly, the spirit of Jesus Christ in me offends them, and my statements really seem to get under their skin...
The atheist is anti Christ or literally "against Christ"
and they carry that spirit with them. It's a spirit that hates God, and the people of God.
We saw this spirit manifest itself after the horrific church shooting last Sunday, not only by the atheist God hater that murdered 26 men women and even little children sitting in a small church,
But when believers started saying "please pray for the victims in Texas" and tons of people from Keith Olberman to no name God haters began mocking and derisively attacking those of us who do and did pray....
This anti Christ spirit has been rising in this nation for the last few years, I've been warning about it, talking about for 2-3 years now...
...and the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God.John 16:2
When we see people murdering in the name of God like radical Islamists have been doing the last few years it's fulfilling these words of Jesus Himself...He predicted and warned us that this would happen...The minds of those who kill us Christians, believers, will become so twisted in their thinking that they actually believe they are doing a good thing for society. Or, like the pathological atheist that murdered even an 18 month old in a church last Sunday without any conscience or thought about it...Pure, demonic, pathological evil...
I see the hate and absolute venom atheists (and others) have for us Christians in my online debates with them, and it's not getting better it's getting worse...they truly believe that we are the problem in society, in spite of vast evidence to the contrary...
Because it's Christians (and Jews) who build and have historically built most of the hospitals in this country, it's Christians who are the first groups after nearly every disaster like a Hurricane, or Fire, or flood that destroys a town that are helping people rebuild like Franklin Grahams Samaritans purse, or the Southern Baptist convention, or Catholic relief services, or Lutheran aid, or any number of countless aid orgs that sends hundreds or thousand of aid workers after disasters strike communities...It's Christians who have literally thousands of food banks right in their churches across the country or like the Denver Rescue mission that feed and house and give clothing to those who have hit bottom and lost everything...
Do atheists or agnostics or Satanic worshipers or practitioners of Occultic witchcraft start Homeless shelters or food banks?, do these same people build hospitals? do atheists and Satanic groups or agnostics or new age covens feed the poor or send hundreds of their members when a hurricane or flood destroys a town? Do atheists gather hundreds of their atheist groups members and send them to Africa or the poorest areas of the world to help them? I think not...
Jesus prophetically warned us that eventually, almost everyone will despise and hate those of us who follow Him and call ourselves Christians because they have rejected and hated God, and the one God sent, therefore they also reject and hate us...we are in that time right now as the nightly newscasts clearly show us...But we also have the promise God gave us, which our haters do not...

Matthew 10:22
And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved.
I'm just the Sax Player